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Displaying 451 - 500 of 527
Any part of the name (i.e. `2017`)
Name Department / Committee Tag
Public-hearing-02-12-2024-Local-Law-No-001-2024-Residency-Requirements-For-Deputy-Highway-Superintendent Town Council Minutes
Public-hearing-02-12-2024-Local-Law-No-002-2024-Delaware-County-Governmental-Immunity-Request Town Council Minutes
Public-Hearing-03-13-23-Local Law 001-2023 Single-Assessor Assessor, Town Council Minutes
Public-Hearing-03-13-23-Local Law 001-2023 Single-Assessor Assessor, Town Council Minutes
Public-hearing-10-13-20-Local-Law-No-002-2020-Override-Tax-Levy Town Council Agenda
Public-Hearing-10-25-22-Local-Law-Override-Tax-Cap Town Council Minutes
Public-hearing-11-13-2023-Local-Law-No-002-2023-Override-Tax-Levy Town Council Minutes
Public-Hearing-11-14-22-PRELIMINARY-2023-BUDGET Town Council Agenda
Public-Hearing-Preliminary-Budget-11-13-2023 Town Council Minutes
Public-Hearing-Preliminary-Budget-11-8-21 Town Council Minutes
Special Meeting-October 25, 2022 Town Council Minutes Town Council Minutes
Subdivision Regulations Town Planning Application
Subddivision Fees Town Planning
2024 Summer Swim Registration Pool & Playground Application
SUNY Delhi Lifeguarding ClassSpring 2022 start April 18-May 12.pdf
Town Council Agenda 03-11-2024 Town Council Agenda
Town Council Agenda 03/14/2022 Town Council Agenda
Town Council Agenda 12/13/2021 Town Council Agenda
Town of Delhi 2020 Budget Town Council Budget
Town of Delhi general job application
Public Health Emergency Plan Health, Youth & Recreation Committee, Supervisor, Town Council
Public Health Emergency Plan Health, Youth & Recreation Committee, Supervisor, Town Council
Public Health Emergency Plan Health, Youth & Recreation Committee, Supervisor, Town Council
Town-Budget-2021.pdf Supervisor, Town Council Budget
Town-Budget-2021.pdf Supervisor, Town Council Budget
town-council-agenda-01-10-2022 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-02-12-2024.pdf Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-02-13-2023 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-02-14-22 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-03-08-2021 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-03-13-2023 Town Council Agenda
Town-Council-Agenda-04-10-23 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-04-12-2021 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-04-12-21 Town Council Agenda
Town-Council-Agenda-05-08-23 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-05-09-22 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-05-13-2024 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-06-10-2024 Town Council Agenda
Town-Council-Agenda-06-12-2023 Town Council Agenda
Town-Council-Agenda-06-13-22 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-06-14-21 Town Council
town-council-agenda-07-08-2024 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-07-10-23 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-07-11-22 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-07-12-21 Town Council
Town-Council-Agenda-08-08-22 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-08-14-2023 Town Council Agenda
town-council-agenda-08-14-23 Town Council Agenda