PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Delhi will be accepting bids for:
Item #1: Hauling fees for approximately 4000 yards of grit and 4000 yards of #1 washed crushed stone from Seward Sand and Gravel (Rider Pit); any remaining grit or stone that is needed if Rider Pit cannot make enough will have to be hauled from Seward Sand and Gravel Main Pit to Delhi Highway Department stockpile Sherwood Road. Bid will be awarded to one bidder with the lowest combined bids for both pits. Hauling of material must be complete by October 10, 2025.
2024 Mowing Bids
TAKE NOTICE: The Town of Delhi is accepting bids for mowing services of the Town Hall, Highway Garage and the Town of Delhi Pool/Playground area for the year 2024. Note inside pool fence must be bagged. All sidewalks will be blown/swept off, additional details are available at the Town clerk’s office for bidders. Bidders must provide proof of insurance.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town of Delhi will be accepting bids for:
ITEM #3 - #2 Heating Oil – Price delivered to Delhi Town Hall and Highway Garage.
Bid will be a fixed price; any/all fees must be included.
Request for Proposal Construction Services for Delhi Pool Deck Extension
See attached information: Note
1. Contractor should include the cost of the bond in their bid.
2. Pool project will require prevailing wage, certified payrolls and insurance etc. It is up to the contractor to research the requirements and provide proof of compliance to the Town.
Delhi Pool Deck Extension
Request for Proposal Construction Services for the Delhi Pool Deck Extension
RFP Title: Delhi Pool Deck Extension
Delhi Pool & Pool House (West Branch Recreation and Aquatic Center) WBRAC Legal Notice and Bid Info
[Click here] for the legal notice and bid information for the Delhi Pool and Pool House.
- Addendum NO. 1 to construction conract documents - added 10/31/2017.
- Addendum NO. 2 to construction conract documents - added 11/06/2017.
- Addendum NO. 3 to construction conract documents - added 11/19/2017.
- Addendum NO. 4 to construction contract documents - added 11/20/2017.
- Addendum NO. 5 to construction contract documents - added 12/1/2017.
- Addendum NO. 6 to construction contract documents - added 12/7/2017.
Note: Bid postponed to Dec 12, 2017. Pre-bid meeting meeting Nov 21 @ 11:00 am at town park site per Addendum No. 3
Should you have any issues retrieving the information please contact the office of the Town Clerk at 607-746-3737. Thank you.
Announcing Surplus Truck for Sale
The Town of Delhi is selling a 1992 Ford F-150 4x4 pickup truck in “as is” condition with a minimum bid of $500. All bids must be received by Monday, August 10, 2015. All bids should be mailed to Town of Delhi, Town Clerk’s Office, 5 Elm Str
Invitation to Bidders
Invitation to Bidders
The Town of Delhi will receive bids on a 2015 or newer, One-Ton, Regular Cab, 4x4, 8 ft. box Pick-up Truck.