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Notice of Tax Collection for the Town of Delhi

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that I, the undersigned, collector of taxes for the Town of Delhi, Delaware County, State of New York, upon duly receiving the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes for the fiscal year 2016, will be in attendance at the Town Hall located at 5 Elm Street on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from the hours of 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of receiving taxes listed on said roll. 

TAKE FURTHER NOTICE, taxes may be paid on or before February 4, 2016 without charge of interest. On all such remaining unpaid taxes after February 4, 2016, there shall be added interest of one(1) percent for the month of February and one (1) percent for each additional month or fraction thereof until such taxes are paid to the County Treasurer, pursuant to law. 

BE IT FUTHER NOTED there will be an additional charge of $20.00 for all checks returned unpaid. 


Dated January 1, 2016

Elsa Schmitz

Town Clerk/Tax Collector 


Town of Delhi