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Delhi Hiking Trails Open

Delhi, NY; -The  Catskill Mountain Club will host the opening of the Delhi Hiking Trails on Saturday, August 30th at 2:00p.m. The event is FREE and open to the public. Meet in the Immanuel Lutheran Church parking area at 2:00p.m. and join Catskill Mountain Club members and volunteers as they lead guided hikes on over four miles of much anticipated hiking trails.

The Delhi Trails Project was made possible after the Village of Delhi, Delaware Academy Central Schools and the Immanuel Lutheran Church granted permission for the Catskill Mountain Club (CMC) to build and maintain hiking trails on village, school and church property. The Town of Delhi supports the project by covering liability on over four miles of intersecting hiking trails. Bassett Healthcare Network O’Connor Hospital applied and received a grant from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Delaware County and the Rural Health Alliance funding trail markers, lumber, and signs.  The Catskill Association to Support and Inspire (C.L.A.S.I) also made a donation and CMC is collaborating with SUNY Delhi students this fall to add trail kiosks, sign in boxes, and benches to the Delhi Trails.

“The project was the result of collaboration and partnership from key community members and organizations including Village, Town, & the School boards, Immanuel Lutheran Church and O’Connor Hospital leaders. Delhi is very lucky to have dedicated and progressive community leaders who recognize the health, economic, recreational, and  spiritual benefits of hiking trails located within village limits” stated Amy Beveridge, CMC Board Member.

Over four miles of trails have been constructed. The Bulldog Run Trail named after Delaware Academy Central Schools’ mascot meanders the mountain side in a 2.39 mile loop, starting and ending at the Immanuel Lutheran Church trail head. The Gribley Trail, a 3.08 mile route named after the beloved character in the children’s book My Side of Mountain fictitiously set in Delhi, NY, starts at the Village Park on Sheldon Drive. After a steep climb the trail passes through varied vegetation, offers views of the village, and descends to meet the Bulldog Run Trail, ending at the Immanuel Lutheran Church Trail head. Frightfull’s Fall trail is a .36 mile trek that connects Bulldog Run to the highest point of the Gribley Trail. The trail is named after the falcon, a second character, in the children’s book My Side of the Mountain.

Volunteers from the Catskill Mountain Club and residents of Delhi logged over 30 hours of trail work. The CMC extends a special thank you to; Matt Krzyston Delhi, NY resident and Town Council member for his support and muscle, Rick Roberts, Dave Krzyston, Sam Samudrala, Nick Utter, Charlie and Amy Beveridge, Ben and Ethan Moyse, Sarah Pawlikowski, and  Kate Kochersberger for assisting on the trail crew!

The Catskill Mountain Club is a dues based member organization relying on donations and volunteers to accomplish its mission to promote non-motorized recreational activities in the Catskill Mountain region! Membership information and CMC apparel will be available for purchase at the Delhi Trail opening. Visit for membership rates and information on other upcoming CMC sponsored events. 

Catskill Mountain Club                                                                               Contact: Amy Beveridge

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